Singing with Entretenerias!

On Friday the chorus group Entretenerias came and sang 3 songs for us: Friday I'm in Love, I just called to say I love you, and an ABBA mix. They had an electric keyboard to play music with!

First, we warmed up our voices practising music scales with the director...just like the adults!

Second, we listened to the adults sing the 3 songs. WOW! 
Some students knew the words and sang along. 

Third, Rafa's class sang a song they had learned in Lengua: the Peninsula song.

The adults liked the song and sang along. The director played part of the song on his electric keyboard for us. 

Finally, the 2 classes sang the song Hair Up with the adults. 

In Literacy we listened to the songs the adults sang and practised them in class...then we wrote some of the parts on the board. 

Thank you Entretenerias chorus!!! 
This was a very special activity for us.

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